Speed Detection

Partnering with The Best in the Industry

M.H. Corbin has been distributing quality ITS products for the past 10 years. We offer the latest technologies in CCTV, Dynamic Message Signs, Road Weather Information Systems, Bluetooth Devices and other ITS devices. We represent and work with some of the finest manufacturers in the ITS industry including Aldis, Cohu, Traffax, McCain and others. M.H. Corbin has also partnered with Sierra Wireless to provide cellular technologies to assist with all your communication needs.

Traffax Blufax

Directly measures traveltime and space mean speed. BluFAX provides greater accuracy because traveltime is directly sampled rather than inferred from the point speed detections. This is a leapfrog advance over existing point detection technology, such as inductive loops, radar detectors, and image processors commonly used to infer traveltime. Errors on the magnitude of 30% are possible using conventional detection technology.

Accurate measurement of the origins and destinations (O-Ds) of the overall traffic stream. Use of BluFAX provides a larger sample size at a cost at a lower cost than is possible with conventional methods. Conventional O-D sampling techniques such as on-road surveys are extremely disruptive to traffic flow. Postcard surveys are invasive to individual privacy. Automatic license plate readers are expensive to install and operate.

Accurate traveltimes on both freeways and arterial streets. The ability to collect accurate traveltimes on arterials is unprecedented. No general purpose technology currently exists with this capability.

Suitable for use with a variety of modes. Because Bluetooth devices are generally associated with individuals, BluFAX can collect data for pedestrians, or for any vehicles occupied by individuals carrying Bluetooth-enabled devices.

Minimal impact on personal privacy. BluFAX offers greater personal privacy than currently available with automated toll tag tracking, license plate surveys or cellular telephone probes. There is no user account database in existence today that is associated with Bluetooth addresses. BluFAX sensors can be configured to encrypt Mac IDs before they are stored on-board the device or transmitted to a server for processing.

An open protocol that is applicable globally. Cell phone and automated-toll tag data are only applicable to specific facilities, manufacturers or regions. The Traffax approach can be deployed worldwide, at any scale, on any transportation facility,